
I see in person clients at my clinic space in Bridgetown NS and also see virtual clients across Canada. I prioritize people based in Nova Scotia and trans/non-binary clients. I have a 1-3 month wait list currently. NOTE: I do not take clients based outside of Canada.

If you are interested in working with me, please read this page and click the link to schedule a free discovery call in order to get on the wait list.

The Initial Consultation

During a comprehensive 90 minute initial consultation, we will discuss in depth your health issues and body system functions based on your primary concerns and goals. I then send you a detailed custom herbal protocol and can offer either a 15 minute phone call or up to 2 emails to answer any questions you may have about the recommendations.

After the first appointment, I recommend a follow-up consultation after about 4 weeks to see how the herbs are working for you so far, and to make changes if necessary.

It is important to have commitment, patience and diligence for the herbs to be most effective. Formulas need to be taken consistently and often need to be altered over time as symptoms and conditions change. I recommend follow-up consultations every 4-12 weeks to see how the herbs are working for you, and to make changes if necessary.


Comprehensive initial consultation 1.5 hrs

$150+hst (limited discounts available upon request)

$40-150 +hst sliding scale with up to 5 student observers present (seasonal availability)

Follow-up consultation 30-45 mins

$90+hst sliding scale down to $60+hst

$20-90 +hst sliding scale with up to 5 student observers present (seasonal availability)

Herbs are not included in this price. The herbs I recommend are available to purchase through my apothecary to clients in Canada and generally cost about $60-150 +hst per month.

Discounts and sliding scale are prioritized for People of Color and Indigenous folks who would otherwise be unable to access herbal consultations.This is in a spirit of reparations, in an effort to create more accessible spaces for people who experience systemic oppression.

If the cost or payment options don't work for you, please email me to discuss other flexible payment options or to request financial aid through my accessibility fund.

Please note: I am not a doctor! I neither diagnose nor directly treat diseases, rather I can make assessments of imbalances based on patterns and physiologic presentation, and support the innate healing of your body, mind and spirit. In some cases of more serious illnesses, I may require you to also be working with other health practitioners such as doctors or naturopaths.

Do you have health concerns or chronic illness and want to learn how herbs could best support you? Do you feel out of balance and are not sure where to turn? Carefully chosen individualized herbs or herbal formulas can help shift you towards feeling stronger, more balanced and more resilient in your body, mind and spirit.

I recommend a customized holistic herbal protocol, so you can enhance your capacity and resiliency to show up more fully in your life.

I have specific interest and experience working with people on trans health, menstrual imbalances, sleep issues, endocrine/hormonal imbalances, diabetes, cancer, auto-immunity, mood/emotional imbalances, digestive issues, chronic pain and injury recovery. I specifically aim to provide empowering and informed herbal care to transgender and gender-non binary clients. I practice through a client-centred, trauma-informed and harm reduction lens which means that you decide what we talk about, and I strive to treat you with respect, non-judgment and compassion. I carefully assess potential interactions between herbs and pharmaceutical medications.